Monday, May 5, 2014

The King of Shambhala and Dem Bones...

The President
: Give it to me baby! Confess!
Number 48: Oh Dad, I'm your baby Dad, do you owe your baby something Daddy?
The President: Confess!
Number 48: The bones is yours Dad! They came from you my Daddy.
The President: Confess! Now you hep?
Number 48: Hip, Dad, hip.
The President: Confess!
Number 48: And a hip bone.
The President: Confess!
Number 48: And a thigh bone.
The President: Confess!
Number 48: Shin bone, knee bone.
The President: Confess!
Number 48: Back bone. All yours Dad.

Dem Bones

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dem Bones — also called Dry Bones and Dem Dry Bones — is a well-known spiritual song. The melody was composed by African-American author and songwriter James Weldon Johnson (1871–1938). Both a long and a shortened version of the song are widely known. The lyrics are inspired by Ezekiel 37:1-14, where the Prophet visits the "Valley of Dry Bones"[1] and prophesies that they will one day be resurrected at God's command, picturing the national resurrection of Israel.

The song[edit]

The chorus and verses are noted for many variations among performers, but fall into the following style. The second verse reverses the first in a pattern similar to:
The neck bone (dis)connected from the head bone
… etc…